Monday, January 25, 2010

Do you Leverage your Time?

Do you Leverage your Time?

Why is it that some people earn £20,000pa and others earn 5 times that, £100,000pa and more? Do they have extra hours in their day? Do they have a secret access to an extra day or two in their week than we do?
So why do they earn more money than the rest of us? The answer is they know how to leverage their time. So HOW do we do this? Wealth is created by money working for us or people working for us, we are leveraging off their efforts. So if we have money to invest it will generate income for us without us having to do very much but if we haven’t got that money in the first place then we need people to do it for us!
So as Women in Business how many people do you employ? Can you afford to do this and if you did would they eventually leave you when you have trained and shown them all aspects of your business, would they set up shop down the road and perhaps be in competition with you?

The reason I am writing about leverage is that I had to re-educate myself and learn new methods of acquiring income.
As an Intermediary to the Corporate world with clients repeatedly being targeted by larger competitors, I was constantly reducing margins to maintain the business until eventually clients were taken at a loss from me by a large Corporate determined to have a stake-hold in the UK market place. How can one compete with that? There is no loyalty in the Corporate world. I came across Professor Charles King who received a Doctorate at Harvard Business School, now Professor of Marketing at Illinois University and who realised you can have a business without much Money and without Employees. As with many universities around the world, Network Marketing is now a professional business model taught at University Business Schools.

Three basic Principals to this intelligent methodology to be critically considered.

1. Expanding Markets. The business must be within a huge expanding market with the focus on a product or service category that will be global.
2. Unique and Consumable. If the product/service is not consumable you will be unemployed until the next sale. For example telephone calls or electricity provide repeating commissions that pay multiple times for one initial effort.
3. Timing & Trends critical for financial wellbeing. In all cycles there are people making money and people losing money. For example during times of recession chocolate sales reach record highs as it is a consumable comfort food in times of stress. Consider what creates trends, for example the ‘baby-boomers’ born after World II after 1946. In the USA 76 million babies were born at this time. It was predicted that baby food would be a great business, then children’s shoes and toys. Then these same people in the 1970’s wanted houses and this became the Real Estate boom, then in the late 1980’s the baby-boomers having bought their homes the sector began a slow downward slide. The trick is to identify the coming wave whilst it is a trickle of water not yet a stream, on its way to the river eventually to the sea to build to the wave. So right now what are those same baby-boomers worried about?

So we could employ others? You can leverage off people by getting them to work for you. You take a portion of their earnings. However, this is difficult to do as they don’t work as hard for you, remember how do you treat a Hired Car? You need to create a situation where everyone gains.
An example from the Real Estate sector. Bob the Broker engages Robert as an Agent to sell buildings to earn 3% commission on the sale of the building. Bob the broker earns 3% as he trained Robert, as he advertised for the properties etc. As Robert is an agent working for himself…. It is in his interest to work hard…..Bob the Broker hires more agents…Bob the Broker has leverage…..but the agents do not have leverage and that creates a conflict……so Robert the Agent will cut away and leave…..and start a business down the road. The Broker loses an income source. If Robert shifts from being an Agent to being a Broker with Bob receiving a smaller commission and Bob continues to help Robert to do well, Bob will also do well…….working and sharing everything…a Win Win situation. Robert does not then become a competitor and Bob having trained him well will continue to benefit. This is how Network Marketing works.

So is this a Pyramid? People do not have problem with the geometric shape. Everything in life is a pyramid take a look at your family tree or Marks & Spencer. The perception is that the people at the top ie the CEO earns all of the money, he is leveraging off all of the workers and is the only one with leverage. The new structure now is to give everyone true leverage by providing a fair structure to enable everyone at each level of the structure to generate good income regardless of education or skills training providing they work hard. Microsoft, Sun Micro system, Coca Cola all have some Network Marketing strategies in place. Do you admire Richard Branson? Warren Buffet wealthiest man on the planet, he has network marketing companies, Donald Trump, Jamie Oliver to name but a few. AT&T Joint venturing with a network marketing company only spends money when a phone has been sold, isn’t that clever?

So how does Xocai stack up? Well remember the baby-boomers and I am one of them. I don’t want to get old, I’m having fun with the best business of all of my former business ventures. I don’t want wrinkles!!!! So is this a trend – yes…..the Wellness Industry is set to be the biggest sector for the next 10 years and natural foodstuffs will become the norm to achieve this. It is only food that absorbs vital nutrients to the body not pills, potions or creams that will keep ageing at bay. Already we see the supermarkets with words like ‘natural’ or ‘anti-oxidant’ on their products. The world is looking to the Rain Forests for medicines. We are learning that with anti-oxidants free radical damage causing disease can be dramatically reduced. Does Xocai meet some of this criteria?
Criteria 1 = YES Xocai is a rapidly expanding global business with momentum. Did you know everyone loves chocolate?
Criteria 2 = YES Xocai is Unique and Consumable. Highly Patented for its Raw Cacao methodology of manufacture. Made in Belgium and is delicious.
Criteria 3 = YES Xocai’s Timing and Trend setting is spot on to meet the growing demand for natural high anti-oxidant rich super foods. Raw chocolate is the highest super-food on the planet, Acai the second (hence the name Xocai). Baby-boomers want wellness and anti-ageing foods, natural weight loss to re-balance the body.

YES Xocai is a Network Marketing company. Distributors recommend the products using methods of duplication to learn and train with some of the most professional and financially successful people on the planet. A global company fully launched Sweden Belgium Netherlands, Hungary and Germany in the Spring-time. Very soon Spain will be launched. Xocai has a closely guarded proprietary formula for the pure natural chocolate. Did you know 110 years ago Coca Cola came up with a recipe that has never been duplicated, would you have said YES to the Coca Cola opportunity 110 years ago? I know I would have done!
Bethany Johnson

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Why Do We Need to Know What an ORAC Score is?

Why Do We Need to Know What an ORAC SCORE IS?

Most people are aware that Cancer is associated with abnormal cell development that in many cases is caused by oxidation and free radical damage. Oxidation and Free Radical Damage have been linked to more than 200 diseases some of which are listed here; Heart disease, Diabetes, High cholesterol, Cataracts, Arthritis, Cancer, Alzheimer’s/dementia, Multiple sclerosis, Inflammatory bowel disease, Lung disease, Fibromyalgia, Autoimmune dysfunction.
Research linking free radicals and disease is growing steadily. In fact some experts estimate that more than 80% of debilitating disease is related to the effects of free radicals. DNA damaged by free radicals can cause cells to replicate incorrectly (or not at all), interfering with proper cell function and often resulting in cell death. Over time, these mutations cause aging. Experts estimate that every cell experiences ten thousand free radical attacks each hour of every day. Scary…don’t you think?.

What Is The Solution? Antioxidant Foods. One of the most reliable ways to determine the potency of antioxidants is by the Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity test. Thousands of ORAC tests have been done on foods globally taking into account changes in readings from factors such as ripeness of produce and seasonal variances, as well as whether the food is fresh or a dried concentrate. The tests have revealed an entire spectrum of antioxidant activity in various foods, from a relatively low amount in fresh tomato to very high levels in the Acai berry and chocolate.

For many years doctors have urged us to eat dark chocolate but this was cooked and often tasted very bitter. Xocai chocolate has Patented Raw unprocessed cocoa together with the Acai berry to create an astonishing value food, one chocolate being the equivalent of a third of one’s daily requirement of antioxidants. And this is pure natural food without treatment of pesticides or chemicals! There is growing evidence that it is possible to reverse the effects of aging and chronic conditions by turning back to nature. Functional “phytofoods” have the ability to safely promote health and fight disease. Distributors are urgently needed to recommend Xocai, Germany is launching in Spring this year and Spain very soon. Please value your time and take a look at;

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Healthy Mouth

Does Healthy Chocolate reduce Cavities and Bad Breath?

YES, over the past several years, many studies have examined the benefits of dark chocolate on oral health. Cocoa is believed to contain a type of inhibitory property. Emerging research has identified polyphenols, flavonoids and tannins as the key substances that benefit the teeth.

A 2006 study from a Japanese research team found cocoa to have antibacterial effects on many of the mouth’s bacteria. Researchers discovered that the polyphenols in chocolate restricted the activity of the bacteria thereby helping to prevent caries. The findings also indicated that the decrease in bacteria load in the mouth helped partially eliminate bad breath and the risk of other potential disease throughout the body.

Caring for your teeth and gums is important for overall health. Definitive research has demonstrated various links between poor oral health and systemic conditions such as diabetes, respiratory diseases – particularly among elderly people - heart disease and premature low birth-weight babies. Oral disease is a source of chronic pain and a variety of other problems, including gum disease, gingivitis, periodontal disease, tooth loss and oral cancer.

High quality chocolate should contain about 70% cocoa solids without milk fats or hydrogenated oils. This means that lower-quality chocolate products, candy bars and other milk chocolate typically found in grocery stores, are higher in sugar and non-cocoa ingredients, lowering the level of flavanoids. Low-grade chocolate high in sugar and low in cocoa flavanols may contribute to dental problems.
References: Dr Steven Warren Founder of the Foundation for Flavonoid Research.

If you would like to buy a box of healthy chocolate rich in non-alkalised cacao
powder that can help reduce the risk of cavities and improve overall health please
contact at with contact telephone numbers.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Love your heart

Eating Chocolate Reduces Abnormal Blood Thickness – Astonishingly six months ago a blood test revealed that my blood was too thick, not a surprise to me as there is Angina problems both sides of my family. My Father developed Angina in his mid-forties. Advised to take an Aspirin a day six months ago, I ignored this advice and ate natural Xocai non-alkalized chocolate. Why did I do this? Last year I read reports of studies showing that Epicatechins, one of a group of chemicals known as flavanols, was directly linked to improved circulation and other hallmarks of cardiovascular health. Researchers at University of California, Davis; Heinrich-Heine University of Duesseldorf, Germany; Harvard Medical School, hope the findings will lead to new dietary or medicinal methods for improving and maintaining cardiovascular health. My blood thickness is now normal at 9.2. Eating just 3 pieces of chocolate a day achieved amazing results and I generally feel more energised. “We have been able to demonstrate a direct relationship between the intake of certain flavanols present in cocoa, their absorption into the circulation and their effects on cardiovascular function in humans," said UC Davis biochemist Hagen Schroeter, who co-authored the paper along with cardiologist Christian Heiss at Heinrich-Heine University. Did you know that Mayan Indians used ‘uncooked’ chocolate as medicine 2-3,000 years ago.
So are you getting enough Epicatechins?

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Can eating Healthy Chocolate help to reduce weight?

YES, one chocolate half an hour before a meal does help to suppress the appetite. However, I started to eat this chocolate to find a solution for my sinusitis problem and resulting severe headaches. I am so much better……this lovely tasting pure chocolate DOES work!……...would you like to become healthier?

Our bodies are like ageing cars slowly rusting each day. We call this Oxidation. To prevent oxidation we need to eat dark green leafy vegetables and dark fruits each day, anti-oxidants. A Flavonoid is the Mercedes Benz of Anti-Oxidants. Cacao contains the highest level of anti-oxidants in the world. This chocolate also contains the Acai berry. This is the only Patented Cold Pressed Chocolate in the world rich in non-alkalised cacao powder.

Scientists have linked aging and over 200 degenerative diseases to Inflammation and Oxidation. Obesity contributes to Type 2 diabetes.
“The amount of antioxidants that you maintain in your body is directly proportional to how long and healthy you will live.” Dr. Richard Cutler, while Director of the Anti-Aging Research Department of the National Institutes of Health, Washington D.C.)

“We all agree that penicillin and anesthesia are enormously important. But epicatechins could potentially get rid of 4 of the 5 most common diseases in the western world, how important does that make epicatechin?... I would say very important” The four diseases referenced by Dr. Hollenberg in the article are: stroke, heart failure, cancer and TYPE 2 diabetes.”
Dr. Norman Hollenberg, Harvard Medical School.

This Patented chocolate is way ahead of the curve……and publishes the ORAC value on each wrapped manufactured piece of chocolate, the only company in the world to do this. This company launched in to the UK 30th January 2009. It will launch in Europe in March 2009. This is an amazing business opportunity for those who love to eat chocolate and want to be healthy.